Martin’s Restaurant and Lounge

Located along A1A in Flagler Beach, Florida, Martin’s Restaurant and Lounge is part of the history of the beach town.

Palm Wave Realty, member of the Pasquale Group, recognized it is time for this classic dining establishment to enhance and re-energize their dining experience.

The Group and the owners knew that outdoor dining in concert with the present atmosphere would add to the ambiance. Sitting along A1A south of the downtown is a relaxing and peaceful setting for enjoying the five-star cuisine while viewing the beach and ocean. 

The Group prepared a design within 5 days, discussed it with the City’s Building and Zoning Directors and created a new building façade that adds to the character of this quaint beach town. 

Presently, the design, real estate and construction professionals are working on the final details to continue to promote the history of Martin’s Restaurant and to attract new patrons.



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